Haunted Antiques Paranormal Research Centre SLEEPOVER event
Sat, 11 Oct
|Haunted Antiques Paranormal Research Cen
After a successful team event we have decided to return to this amazing location and we want to take you with us! We would highly recommend this amazing venue for an all night investigation. Come join us all night and sleep in the haunted museum!

Time & Location
11 Oct 2025, 20:00 – 12 Oct 2025, 07:00
Haunted Antiques Paranormal Research Cen, 9-11 Regent St, Hinckley LE10 0AZ, UK
About The Event
*** Tickets only £30! ****
Inside one of the oldest buildings in Hinckley Town in Leicester you will definitely find more than you bargained for. The building is now a Paranormal Research Centre, Haunted Antiques Museum (HAPRC) and its aim is to identify the truth behind, not just the building itself, but the anitquated objects that reside within it.
The Paranormal Research Centre and Haunted Antiques Museum, one of its kind in the UK, was set up in an attempt to carry out intense Research into haunted antiques and to try to answer the following questions; do spirits attach themselves to objects and do objects hold onto energy from their owners? From their research to date it really does seem as if some of these objects really do come to life. With video streaming and controlled experiments certain objects have been seen to move on their own. There are many…
Balance required 5 weeks before event.
£10.00Full Price
£30.00Part night ticket